1 Review
NKHUKUTI RESORT CONFERENCE CENTREP.O. Box 159https://www.malawiyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
NKHUKUTI RESORT CONFERENCE CENTREP.O. Box 159https://www.malawiyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Rooms are nice with amazing views on the Lake.
So far the positives. From morning up to 10-11 pm incedibly loud bad music is played by a DJ on a huge sound system. Even though the rooms are quite far from the sound system, you feel like you're in a dancing club in your room, there's no way escaping from it if you stay near Chikale Beach. I did have thoughts of sabotaging the sound system or cutting a few of the wires. If that's not enough, the beach fills up with drunkards towards the evening, joining the pushy vendors and hustlers who stick around all day. And at night, it gives a very unsafe feeling walking back to your room as you slalom across the intoxicated men and in your room you still don`t feel safe because there's a lot of passing through at a couple of meters from your door (both by drunkards and other locals no offence). Probably it is safe, it just doesn`t feel safe. Also, nobody is available at the reception, restaurant or bar in the evening to answer the phone. Food takes a long time to arrive and many stuff on the menu is not available, but it takes time to find out what is or is not available as staff is not fully awake. For breakfast, we ordered coffee, but we never knew whether the brew we were served was coffee or tea. The rest of the breakfast was good and varied, served by a friendly waiter. Furthermore, unhealthy looking dogs wander around the beach so you better hope there's rabies vaccine available in some clinic nearby. The best time at this place is the morning before the DJ starts 'working'. Summarizing, the place is not too bad for locals who want to party hard (because they don`t undergo the same hassle from hustlers as the wazungu) but stay far away if you simply want to chill out.
However, the place has very good infrastructure, beautiful location and hence great potential, but the deafening music, vendor/hustlers and drunkards keeps people away. New management is urgently needed.
So far the positives. From morning up to 10-11 pm incedibly loud bad music is played by a DJ on a huge sound system. Even though the rooms are quite far from the sound system, you feel like you're in a dancing club in your room, there's no way escaping from it if you stay near Chikale Beach. I did have thoughts of sabotaging the sound system or cutting a few of the wires. If that's not enough, the beach fills up with drunkards towards the evening, joining the pushy vendors and hustlers who stick around all day. And at night, it gives a very unsafe feeling walking back to your room as you slalom across the intoxicated men and in your room you still don`t feel safe because there's a lot of passing through at a couple of meters from your door (both by drunkards and other locals no offence). Probably it is safe, it just doesn`t feel safe. Also, nobody is available at the reception, restaurant or bar in the evening to answer the phone. Food takes a long time to arrive and many stuff on the menu is not available, but it takes time to find out what is or is not available as staff is not fully awake. For breakfast, we ordered coffee, but we never knew whether the brew we were served was coffee or tea. The rest of the breakfast was good and varied, served by a friendly waiter. Furthermore, unhealthy looking dogs wander around the beach so you better hope there's rabies vaccine available in some clinic nearby. The best time at this place is the morning before the DJ starts 'working'. Summarizing, the place is not too bad for locals who want to party hard (because they don`t undergo the same hassle from hustlers as the wazungu) but stay far away if you simply want to chill out.
However, the place has very good infrastructure, beautiful location and hence great potential, but the deafening music, vendor/hustlers and drunkards keeps people away. New management is urgently needed.
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