Superior Halaal Meats - Blantyre, Malawi

1 Review
Superior Halaal Meats
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Superior Halaal Meats
P.O.Box 32282, Blantyre, Malawi
Contact number
(265) 0187 62 15
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1 Review
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Dear Reha Rashid
Superior Food Market.
Hope you remember me after read this suggestion.
I am one of the customers to your super market. Hope every body including your market staffs and you all can notice but not taken any action for protection. Your shop you can observe some places kept things without any protection which can fall particularly glass items.
One fine day I came with my family with my 6 year old son who was trying to open ice cream freezer one side but unfortunate for him, one bottle fell on the floor on opposite side which was kept in the edge of the table. (I cannot say unfortunate it is ignorance of your staff to keep things at the edge, not even 2 mm space to the edge). And it is purely an accident and not even miss handled by the little boy. The bottle fell down other side of the table kept without any protection. Anybody can say, notice by whomever over there.
They said I should pay for the thing what I broke. I do agree and do understand that needs to pay also. But I told them to call manager and finally called the branch manager (hope this mail reaches to you and possible forward to your higher management to have real feeling of customer if possible and expecting reply from them) and branch manager also told some story and that is Management Policy that customer should pay for the things if it breaks. I do agree that it is true and I will. But please try to understand the situation, and it is not mis handled. But she was very strong and Policy that customer needs to pay. I have paid.
I would like to ask one question to the branch manger (even Managemntmet) the policy who made it. Is the policy applicable for everything blindly or what. First we should understand the problem and decide with Policy. What I paid the money is not big amount (fortunately it was small amount for me what my son broke).
You and your management please understand the customer feelings that they should feel happy and come back to you. My son was very upset whole day for what he broke and he was trying to explain me that I did not do any mistake and why should I punish. It took long time to explain him that it is not your mistake it is an accident.
My suggestion and opinion
They way you made me to pay, was not happy for paying for others ignorance.
I feel you and me have hurt the small boy for not doing mistake.
Suggestion – Management policy made and written not for all conditions, it can changes relative to the problem and situations (I hope)

Once again thanks to have time to read this all and hope forward to your management and customer experience.

Thanks and regards

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