White House Guest House - Livingstonia, Malawi
White House Guest House
1 Review
White House Guest HouseP.O. Box 701 312 748https://www.malawiyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Hotel name
White House Guest House
P.O. Box 7, Livingstonia, Malawi
Contact number
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White House Guest HouseP.O. Box 701 312 748https://www.malawiyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
A tranquil piece of paradise in an historical African setting.
The views from this beautiful tropical haven are breathtaking: purple and green mountains caressing a sparkling blue lake in the distance below. Offset these against the rich red soil pathways that lead into the village - that can only be described as a piece of Scotland in Africa - and you have a picture of the variety that bombards your senses here.
Our hosts could not have been more welcoming. Nothing was too much trouble. We were treated like royalty and made to feel comfortable in our three-bedroom guest suite to the rear of the main house. There are other guest suites available, both on site and a short stroll from the house.
We spent two lovely nights at the White House. Would we return? Definitely, yes!
The views from this beautiful tropical haven are breathtaking: purple and green mountains caressing a sparkling blue lake in the distance below. Offset these against the rich red soil pathways that lead into the village - that can only be described as a piece of Scotland in Africa - and you have a picture of the variety that bombards your senses here.
Our hosts could not have been more welcoming. Nothing was too much trouble. We were treated like royalty and made to feel comfortable in our three-bedroom guest suite to the rear of the main house. There are other guest suites available, both on site and a short stroll from the house.
We spent two lovely nights at the White House. Would we return? Definitely, yes!
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