Patkay Graphics - Blantyre, Malawi
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Listing - +13Years
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Patkay Graphics
P.O.Box 2722, Blantyre, Malawi
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Patrick KalamulaEstablishment year
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Company description
Patkay Graphics is a full-service Malawian graphic design and web development firm with a unique drive to yield top results at affordable prices. The firm was brought to inception on the 18th of September 2007. With the driving factors of quality and creativity, Patkay Graphics boasts some of the best graphics and web designs on its ever increasing portfolio of products and services.
During the earlier years, the firm targeted working with young and upcoming companies, branding them and putting them to the web but through the years a very wide base of clients came aboard. It also experienced growth of staff to what it is today.
As we continue our progress in offering high quality professional services to our clients, we have been admitted and acknowledged by our clients for successful
As a place where one can get all things under the same roof, Patkay Graphics offers but not limited to the following services; software development, web designing, web hosting, domain name registration, logo design, letter head and banner design, business card design and printing, cd/dvd cover art design, certificate design, poster design and invitation card design just to mention a few.
Patkay Graphics comprises of highly trained staff in computer science and information technology with diverse and flawless skills ranging from web and graphic design, high level computer programming and computer graphics animation.
During the earlier years, the firm targeted working with young and upcoming companies, branding them and putting them to the web but through the years a very wide base of clients came aboard. It also experienced growth of staff to what it is today.
As we continue our progress in offering high quality professional services to our clients, we have been admitted and acknowledged by our clients for successful
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results across their various industries.As a place where one can get all things under the same roof, Patkay Graphics offers but not limited to the following services; software development, web designing, web hosting, domain name registration, logo design, letter head and banner design, business card design and printing, cd/dvd cover art design, certificate design, poster design and invitation card design just to mention a few.
Patkay Graphics comprises of highly trained staff in computer science and information technology with diverse and flawless skills ranging from web and graphic design, high level computer programming and computer graphics animation.
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