Good Life Technical Institute - Lilongwe, Malawi
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Company name
Good Life Technical Institute
Nanjiri 4 Ways, Area 38, T/A Tsabango, Lilongwe , Malawi
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 4:30 am
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 am
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 am
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 am
- Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 am
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo Establishment year
1-5Registration code
BRNR-LZYCMVVAT registration
70218906E-mail address
Company description
Good Life Technical Institute is a charitable vocational institution that provides tailoring skills for vulnerable women and the youths with hands on skills for self-employment and self-reliance. GLTI is located in Lilongwe City South West, Area 38.
VISION: GLTI's vision is to improve access to high quality vocational education through education training programs tailored to the needs of the SADC region and the wider national community.
MISSION STATEMENT: GLTI's mission is to enhance the lives of vulnerable women, the youth and communities acquire the skills and competencies required to raise productivity, income generation and improve livelihoods.
OBJECTIVES: For GLTI to achieve her vision has four objectives as follows:
(1). To increase skills development
(2). To provide practical hands on, skilled technicians and workers who can drive the Malawian economy and contribute significantly to the country’s 2063 objectives.
(3). To instil in the student and staff high standards of integrity, transparency and accountability during their studies at GLTI and after they graduate.
(4). To ensure that gender sensitivity and equity is observed in the selection of both staff and students.
REGISTRATION: Tevet Provider Registration Number: 0023. GLTI had been granted a Certificate of Registration for Training Institutions as a TEVET Provider in the Informal Sector by the TEVET Regulatory Body of Malawi in November 2022.
LOCATION: Nanjiri 4 Ways, Mtaya Road, Area 38, T/A Tsabango, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Good Life Technical Institute is a charitable vocational institution that provides tailoring skills for vulnerable women and the youths with hands on skills for self-employment and self-reliance. GLTI is located in Lilongwe City South West, Area 38.
VISION: GLTI's vision is to improve access to high quality vocational education through education training programs tailored to the needs of the SADC region and the wider national community.
MISSION STATEMENT: GLTI's mission is to enhance the lives of vulnerable women, the youth and communities acquire the skills and competencies required to raise productivity, income generation and improve livelihoods.
OBJECTIVES: For GLTI to achieve her vision has four objectives as follows:
(1). To increase skills development
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among vulnerable women, youth and communities that will give them a competitive edge in the local and the global market.(2). To provide practical hands on, skilled technicians and workers who can drive the Malawian economy and contribute significantly to the country’s 2063 objectives.
(3). To instil in the student and staff high standards of integrity, transparency and accountability during their studies at GLTI and after they graduate.
(4). To ensure that gender sensitivity and equity is observed in the selection of both staff and students.
REGISTRATION: Tevet Provider Registration Number: 0023. GLTI had been granted a Certificate of Registration for Training Institutions as a TEVET Provider in the Informal Sector by the TEVET Regulatory Body of Malawi in November 2022.
LOCATION: Nanjiri 4 Ways, Mtaya Road, Area 38, T/A Tsabango, Lilongwe, Malawi.
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Products & Services 2
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